The Brazilian government charges everything, regarding to shipments they keep the average of earning as much money as they can.
The port charges in Brazil are among the highest in the entire world and they're unavoidable. However if you know how to proceed along with the Customs demands, regarding to the Household Goods and Personal Effects, you can achieve the exemption or suspension of the import duty charged upon them.

First we should keep in mind that, even though there are a plenty of visas that allows the entry of people into Brazil, only few of them allows the entry of HHG-PE.
I will talk about three of them, namely, Permanent visa, Brazilian citizen returning or Temporary visa.
Brazilian Citizen returning / Permanent visa - If you are a Brazilian citizen or if you hold a Permanent visa, you can obtain exemption of the import duties, as long as you satisfy some demands from the Brazilian Customs. Besides the documents that you must present to Customs, two conditions must really be attended: 1- You should have lived overseas for more than 01 year; 2- You should have not spent more than 45 days in Brazil in the period of 01 year before your arrival to Brazil.
Note: Of course that you must present proofs, so please contact me to know how to do it.
Temporary visa - If you are a Temporary visa holder you can obtain the suspension of the import duties by presenting some specific documents. The main document is what we call "Termo de Responsabilidade" (something like "term of bond"). This document is signed at the moment of the arrival and assures you that the import duties will be not charged, as long as you fulfill the deadline informed on the document.
e.g.: you come to Brazil and your Temporary visa is valid for 2 years.
You sign this term of bond and then Customs doesn't charge you the import duties. So you enter in Brazil "free" of paying import fees.
However, if you don't leave the country with the stuff you brought up to the expiring date, the suspended import duties will fall upon your head and then you will be obliged to pay such fee + penalty (for not fulfilling the deadline).
Note: The term of bond can be extended or cancelled, however there are a plenty of requirements that must be satisfied in both case.
Remember that we are talking about IMPORT DUTIES! You can't avoid of paying the PORT CHARGES, one thing has nothing to do with the other. Port charges is charged by the Port which is a private company, it's not a governmental department or something.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact me.
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