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segunda-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2015

International Removals - Tips for understanding the Brazilian procedures.

The Brazilian Customs clearance is strict and very often people get confused and can be found troubled if the procedures are not well followed.

Please see below the link of videos that will help you to understand how the process works in Brazil regarding to international removals.

Soon we will be providing videos for Permanent and Diplomats visa holders.

terça-feira, 22 de julho de 2014

Mudanças Internacionais - Brasileiros em retorno.

Se você é um cidadão brasileiro que vai retornar ao Brasil, é bom saber algumas coisas que poderão te livrar de vários aborrecimentos.

Todo embarque de bagagem desacompanhada, em tese, é passível da tributação do imposto de importação. Todavia o cidadão brasileiro pode obter a isenção se satisfizer (e comprovar) duas condições impostas pela Legislação vigente que rege as normas aduaneiras no Brasil:

1) Ter vivido no exterior por mais de 01 ano -  Solicite junto ao Consulado Brasileiro o Atestado de Residência, que comprovará sua permanência no exterior por mais de 01 ano. Se não houver Consulado Brasileiro próximo, obtenha 02 cópias autenticadas de contas de consumo em seu nome pelo período de 13 meses anteriores ao seu retorno, ou seja, duas cópias de cada mês. Por conta de consumo considere conta de água, luz, gás, telefone fixo e internet. Se você também não tem contas de consumo em seu nome, bem aí é melhor você me contatar para avaliar sua situação, pois cada caso tem sua peculiaridade e deve ser analisado separadamente - (IN RFB 1059/2010, art. 35, caput);

2) Ter permanecido menos de 45 dias no Brasil pelo período de 01 ano anterior ao seu retorno definitivo - Essa condição também deve ser observada, pois muitos brasileiros que trabalham no exterior têm por costume passar um período de férias no Brasil. Neste caso é bom que se some os dias gastos no Brasil dentro do período legalmente estabelecido para verificar se excedeu ou não 45 dias - (IN RFB 1059/2010, art. 35, §21).

Lembre-se que tais condições devem ser satisfeitas juntas, é uma e outra e não uma ou outra. Se qualquer delas não for atendida o cidadão será tributado.

Entenda a tributação do imposto de importação...

Entre os vários documentos exigidos pela Aduana, existe um chamado DSI (Declaração Simplificada de Importação). A DSI é uma lista numerada dos bens com suas respectivas descrições e valores. A tributação do imposto de importação (II) incide sobre o que chamamos de itens tributáveis. A soma destes itens serve de base para o cálculo do imposto, que é de 50% sobre o valor declarado. Vamos exemplificar:

- Consideremos que a lista totalize 100 mil reais dos quais 80 mil reais são itens tributáveis. Então o imposto
de importação será de 50% sobre 80 mil reais, ou seja, 40 mil reais. Soma-se a isso o ICMS, que é cerca de 80% do valor do imposto, que nesse caso é de 40 mil reais. Desta forma teríamos 32 mil reais de ICMS. No final só de tributação temos 40 mil reais de II + 32 mil reais de ICMS, totalizando 72 mil reais de tributos.

Agora pense que isso não é tudo, ainda tem as taxas portuárias (cobrança do porto), a demurrage (cobrança da Cia. Marítima), etc.

Como se pode ver as taxas aduaneiras no Brasil são muito caras, estão entre as mais caras do mundo. Por isso é recomendado que se procure um profissional experiente, que entenda profundamente os trâmites da Aduana no Brasil e, assim, evitar gastos ainda maiores.

Se você estiver nesta situação, entre em contato comigo e seja bem orientado quanto aos processos no Brasil.

Até a próxima!


sexta-feira, 4 de abril de 2014

Don't even think about cheating Customs, you'll be shooting yourself in the foot...

Brazilian Customs is extremely strict regarding to documentation. It's very important to follow strictly their demands, not even a minor mistake will be tolerated.

Usually I send a single form to get the full information from customer. Then I fill in all the forms required by Customs. After that I send the documents to customer in order to check data, values, etc. This way we can make something duly accurate.

Brazilian Customs demands that ALL the documents go through notarization (copies and signatures). It's a service provided by Brazilian Consulates/ Embassies (abroad) or notary agency (in Brazil).
The cost to notarize all the documents is expensive (mainly abroad). That's why I'm always concerned regarding to the documentation.

If you are thinking about doing an international removal, I do recommend you to pick an experienced professional to guide you in the preparation of documents. Wrong or hidden information, discrepancy on values, wrong packing list, expired documents, visa not allowed to bring household goods and personal effects and stuff like that are very usual in this business.

Sometimes the mistakes happen due to a lack of knowledge in elaborating them, but sometimes they are intentionally elaborated to cheat Customs and they know that.

The worst scenario is when you make some mistake due to your lack of knowledge and such problem "seems" to had been made to cheat the fiscalization. In this case you better have a good explanation to Customs officer otherwise besides the heavy penalty you can have your shipment fiercely retained.

This is a nightmare because the port charges are very expensive in Brazil.

Don't hesitate on contacting a good professional.

Some cheap people think that an good professional is expensive. I assure you that an amateur will be way more expensive...

I hope you make the right thing!


sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2013

Diplomatic Shipment to Brazil (HHG-PE) - Exclusive Customs clearance process

Diplomatic visa holders have special treatment when bringing HHG-PE to Brazil.

They enjoy exclusive privileges acquired in international treaties and have particular benefits, as you can see below:

- Only diplomatic visa holders can bring vehicles (cars);
- Customs clearance process for diplomati
c shipments is way faster than others;
- Diplomatic shipment container is never opened, not even during the physical inspection.

One important thing we must keep in mind regards to the documentation. Although many of documents demanded by Customs seem similiar to other visas, some of the diplomatic documents must be sent to the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and it can take some time to be prepared. One of them is filled in with information declared on the OBL which is issued after the departure of the vessel. The Customs clearance process initiates only after presentation of all the documents, that's why this documentation issue must be very well managed in order to avoid delays and even higher port charges.

Be sure to choose a good partner in Brazil to handle your diplomatic shipments.

Note: This is valid only for foreigners! Brazilian citizens with diplomatic status overseas have not the same treatment. When coming to Brazil they are considered as Brazilian citizen return, the Customs clearance is different of the diplomatic one. Remember that.

If you need any assistance, I can provide you a consulting about this type of process.


segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013

Inheritance (HHG-PE) - Avoid import duties

Inheritance is something that almost all the people have to deal with, it's a legal right.

However, when you need to make an international removal, the stress can be added to sadness.

How to avoid it?

We all know it's a tough thing to deal with, after all, beyond the loss of someone that might be important to the heir, the bureaucracy sprinkles some stress over the sorrow...

So, if you intend to bring HHG-PE as inheritance to Brazil, make sure to consult an especialized professional in order to get very briefed about all the specific documents demanded by Customs to clear this kind of shipment.

If a customer of your is going through such situation, don't permit that unprepared people manage such process, the stress can be higher than necessary. It's very important that the Customs clearance process goes the smoothest possible.

Don't expose your customer to unpleasant situation by having the shipment retained at the Customs.

Talk to me, I can provide you the best consulting about this.


terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013

International Insurance: V.I.P. (Very Important Procedure) for HHG-PE

My friends, please note that once you are sending shipments to Brazil the Insurance must be done. It can't be avoided. Why?

Not only because of the risk during the transit between origin and destination, but mostly because of the Brazilian Customs procedure that makes all the shipments go through the physical inspection.

The problem lies in the fact of the crew (employees of the port, not our packers) responsible for unloading/loading the CTR at the Port is not used to HHG-PE shipments, but to cargo. That's why they are not that careful in handling the goods and much often they cause damages in the customer's stuff...

Please make sure that your customer will ensure the goods that will be transported, do not allow him to deny of doing it in order to prevent future headaches for both of you...


domingo, 17 de novembro de 2013

The Achilles heel of Relocation: Homesickness

Relocation is a stressful process that involves leaving your home and moving to a new house in a different neighborhood / city/ country which leads us to the following question:

"What do you look for while choosing a mover - service/price/experience?"

Allow me to answer...

According to the research informed by the brilliant Kristin Ash (Global Benefits Group), the cost to the US in failed expat assignments is approximately $2.5B per year.

Indeed it's an astonishing amount and shows exactly what a bad relocation can do.

Furthermore, as the waste of money was not enough to aggrieve the process, there's a very often condition that afflicts the expat overseas: the homesickness.

Different country, different culture, different language, different food... All of these things contribute to make the expat feels the homesickness. The expats miss their houses, their relatives and friends, their homeland. Note that such situation is way counterproductive and the company feels the employee's suffering by analyzing low results due to their low performance.

As you can see, relocation is a very important service, so I strongly recommend you to look for best service and experience.

Price is completely out of this concern.

For a good relocation, you must choose the best and the most experienced agent, who must collect both personal and professional data, must find the best place for the expat in a neighborhood with good schools for the kids, clubs and malls for wife and perhaps a city that offer to expat and family a bit of their own culture as food and things like this which can ease the homesickness.

Do not take only the costs too much into consideration when dealing about relocation, pick the best service possible.

If you need anything else, please let me know.
